Number of Position: 15 Salary: QR 2500 to QR 3000 + Food + Accommodation + Transportation Type of VISA: Business Hiring Decision: Interview Panel Terms Quarantine charges, Food and Accommodation will be take care by Swan Global • Onward ticket will be provided by Swan Global. • Repatriation ticket will be take care by Swan Global Candidates must have Nebosh with minimum one year experience. Contact no-8590247183 Email ID
Safety Officer vacancy @ KSA (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)
Experience: Two years
Salary 2000 SAR. Food acc. Free.
Free Recruitment. ASHEI Students Preferred
Qualified & interested candidates can send CV to:
Office safety . Safety training at kochi
Sitting Wrong At Your Workplace Your Entire Life…
If this is the posture you maintain at work, read below
Are you sitting correct?
common reason for you suffer from the pain.
Usual mistakes at office
That back pain keeps you off job whol day.
What can go wrong due to wrong posture for log
Because of that it reduces your performance at work. what is the solution now?
sit upright. Hunchin back, slouching forward, and upright position strain your back all the same.
The best position to sit in is this.
Sitting posture. Office
Sitting at an angle of 100-135 degrees of your back to your legs is the ideal position. You are relaxed this way, and your muscles aren’t stressed in any way.
Get yourself upgraded with ISO 45001!!!!
Lead Auditor Course @ ASHEI Kochi. (Migration from OHSAS)
Tentative date of course commencement on 24th June 2019
Similarly Call us for migration Auditor training for Existing OHSAS 18001 LA.